Sandra Chen Lau, Area 1
Sandra Chen Lau is a nationally recognized leader in philanthropy and civic engagement. For more
than 20 years, Chen Lau has specialized in helping colleges and universities, and
arts and cultural institutions, grow and sustain their educational missions. She has
worked on successful multibillion-dollar comprehensive campaigns, and personally helped
raise millions for leading schools such as the University of California, Los Angeles
and the University of Southern California. In addition, she has led nonprofit organizations
aiding diverse constituencies to increase civic engagement and participation.
Chen Lau is serving her second term as the Governing Board Member of the Pasadena
Area Community College District - Area One (La Cañada and West Pasadena).
Chen Lau graduated from UC Riverside with honors. She holds a master’s degree in urban
planning from UCLA, with a focus on community development and leadership in civil